Blogpost Week 2

Blogpost Week 2

This week we had a blast!

The game starts to feel like a real fun video game and we created our art bible with the full style of Spank & Splash.

We also finished one of our characters, a particle effect and a prop to showcase our style and see if it will work or not.

--First things first--

Deciding which program is better for our game and our team to work with.

We Chose for UNITY, but why not UNREAL?

- Workflow is completely different then Unity

- A big learning curve for such a small time

- Node based programming is a big change

- The C++ code of unreal is unwieldy, so if we opted for unreal we would use blueprints   anyway

- unreal is less component based than unity

- visually it is much better than unity

- input manager for unreal is quite clear, easy to provide controller support

- it takes longer to implement a playable player

- UI of unreal is less clear than that of unity

- unity is easier to build

--So what did we exactly do this week?--

From what we heard of the last feedback session was to just continue with it and just add “more”, which we did.

We added/finetuned:

  • Basic attack (spank) → Pushes player
  • Puddles disappear
  • Added more impact with the throwables
  • On hit with the beachball the player gets stunned
  • Worked on our layout of our map
  • Finished a character
  • Finished an effect
  • Finished an asset
  • A cart that goes around the map dropping items on hit.

  • Finetuned movement
  • Throwing objects got finetuned (arc and speed)
  • Attack got finetuned
  • The slipperyness of our water
  • Finetuned spawnen the players
  • Added a death counter
  • Throwing players just got more fun!

We continued working on our art and deciding which worked best.


What is our plan for the next coming week?

  • Start the production of the game
  • Continue finetuning EVERYTHING
  • Add more to keep it interesting
  • Starting to make things pretty
  • Adding animations (Attack, movement, ... )
  • Adding more effects
  • Trying to give more clear feedback for the player when they get hit or die


SplashAndSpank_Prototype_v4_Unity.rar 9.6 MB
Mar 06, 2018
SpankAndSplash_Prototype_Unreal.rar 363 MB
Mar 06, 2018

Get [group 14] SPANK 'N SPLASH

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